Sunday, June 6, 2010

Disneyland again? Really?

Seventh time.....enough said

It was nice that Daddy and Grandma got to come this time too!  Boy was it a hot one though.  And a tad bit crowded for the summertime but still super duper fun!
Mel messin' with Cruella
Buzz Lightyear
Since Jason and Teresa fought over rights to hold Ryden, Melinda and I let them ride with the boy all the time.  And we rode together and took self-portraits!
Haunted Mansion...not so sure Ryden digs this ride anymore.  He buried his face in Jason's shoulder the whole time
Watching the canoes and givin' mama some love

Jungle Cruise.  Our driver pretty much sang Disney songs the whole time which was completely AWESOME but a litle loud for Ryden

Artsy shot courtesy of Mel

Small world

His face the whole time on Small World

And the rest of the pics

WEEEEEE!!  Bye Bye Disney!