Monday, June 21, 2010

Two tickets to Paradise

This weekend we packed up and headed to Paradise, California to hang out with Teresa's mom and dad.  They are such a joy to be around!  Can't tell that J's grandpa is 80 something because he is still telling stories and jokes which I LOVE to listen to.  Paradise was beautiful so we took advantage.
  We went to Bidwell Park to play on the playground and in the local creek.  Teresa used to take J here when he was a babe.  Teresa's sister Maureen and boys met up with us also to hang out.  Her boys are hilarious!

The creek was a little cold but still fun to splash in

The next day we went to a few other creeks and, of course, got some more great shots

See if you can spot Jason, Ry, and Brody

View from the bridge

View from inside the bridge

Hayden with Ryden...his second cousin's cousin's brother twice removed (I really don't know the relation but Hayden is Jason's cousin)????
The boyz
Onward to Alligator Hole
After a long day swimming and being in the sun, the fam was so kind to make us an excellent home cooked meal!
Ryden seemed to only be interested in his kitty friend
He also would hide around the corner and then peek out at the room full of people
Ryden with Great Grandma Pat
Ryden with Great Grandpa Dick
And my favorite picture.....Ryden with Grandma T
(a few more pics to follow)