Friday, June 11, 2010


Hun and Moses were nice enough to let us use one of their guest passes for Lego Land.  Although there were only three rides that the babes could ride on (well two since one was closed for maintenance), they still had a blast.  There was a fun play area and of course the water part was a hit!  Now Hun is trying to convince me to get a year pass.  I'm sure Jason would totally go for that :)
Here we are riding on the only ride we went on...the boat ride

Play Time!
Cute Moses!
Water time!!!  When I tried to take Ryden away from the water he threw a FIT!

Hey what are you doing over there Moses?
Swing Swing

Cathy was in town so after Lego Land we met up with her and Jinda for lunch.  If you look really close you can see her baby bump....she is having a BOY!