Wednesday, June 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  21.8 lbs
HEIGHT:  29.5"
FAVORITE TOY:  Still loves his Brobee stuffed toy. Takes it everywhere.  Also loves his blow up pool and his "fridge DJ"
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Anything that involves water.  Pools, baths, hoses, Legoland water area...loves it all!  Also still loves to take everything out of drawers and put it back in.  Sometimes he doesn't put things back in the right place and we can't find anything!
MILESTONE:  I believe he said his first real word "Ouch".  He even pronounces the "ch".  It's so funny.  He "talks" a lot now!  Points to things when you ask where they are...practically runs instead of walks....
DISLIKES:  Holding up these number signs each month!
MOM'S FAVORTIE:  I absolutely love watching him quietly play by himself.  I love when he pulls all his books off the shelf and leafs through them.  I love his little concentrated look when trying to figure things out.  He is such a good boy!
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Listening to him "talk".  Making him laugh (that deep deep laugh!).  And Ryden is going through the "wanting to be picked up" phase so he will always grab Jason's leg and want to be picked up