Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Disney with Aunt Cody

We made Aunt Cody fly to Cali so she could drive with me and Ry down to Tucson for Katie's wedding.  As payment, I took her to Disneyland.  It was decked out for Halloween and the sky was dreary.  This made for short lines.  We had a blast!
Ry, again, was more interested in pushing his own stroller

Love the self portraits..still excited for Small World
"best" ride ever!  Storybook Land..(do you sense my sarcasm?)
Ryden's face pretty much the whole time on the Storybook ride..(boooring)
Carousel..another fave
By FAR the best part of the whole day was watching Ry visit with some of the characters.  He DIED of excitement when he met Pooh, Eeyore, and Tigger
Waiting patiently for Pooh
Eeyore next....
Running for Tigger....I could have watched him all day with the characters..it was the cutest!!
"healthy" lunch time
What a GREAT day...only thing missing was Daddy but he had to work :(
On to Tucson for the wedding of the year!