Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Let the good times roll....

 Cody and I threw a family bachelorette party for our wonderful cousin Katie.  Her requests?  Karaoke and everyone must wear a wig.  Request fulfilled!  We had a BLAST!  Tons of family, funny hair, and good times!  Ryden even joined in
GG by FAR had the best lookin' wig.  She called herself Dolly Parton minus the chest
Hostess's with the mostest's (pre wigs)
Bride in the middle!
Winners of the games
 We hit the town ready to show Tucson what wonderful singers we were.  To our dismay, AZ homecoming was taking place and the game was on.  To PT Patti...this was the greatest thing that could have happened.  It just meant we had to wait a little while to American Idolize the crowd.
"Don't stop believing"
Great night!!!