Tuesday, November 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  23.7 lbs
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Playing with my iphone.  He knows how to lock it and play the different apps...nice
FAVORITE WORDS:  Help (elp), please (puh-puh), moon, choo-choo, Brobee (sometimes sounds like boobie)
DISLIKE:  Doctor's office and shots...oh boy he cried bloody murder when they gave him his shots today!  But in all fairness he had four shots to the leg...man!
MOM'S FAVORTIE:  Ry loves helping me with chores.  He puts the laundry in the washing machine, puts dishes in dishwasher, and cleans the windows.
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Repeat the word game.  Ry will pretty much repeat anything you say (in his own language of course)