Sunday, May 29, 2011

Doe...a deer

While we were on a walk yesterday, Ryden was just singing away in his stroller.  It took me awhile to figure out what he was singing.  He was bustin' out the "Doe..a deer" song from Sound of Music.  Mind you, I have never sang this song to him and Gamma T sings it every once in awhile so I was amazed he remembered the words.  So its a little hard to understand but still....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And so it begins....

Potty training....UGH!

New hair-do

Auntee Melinda was working so we decided to take Ry down to Adventure Cuts for his first really short haircut.  I cried a little because I love his shaggy do!  He sat like a champ and didn't move the whole time.  Of course, 'Cars' was playing on the tv so that helped

After his stylish new do, Ry seemed like a new boy...climbing everything...touching his head....'big boy'... I am very sad to see the shag go but I must admit...he looks like a different little boy now.  It's growing on me

Swim lessons

We signed Ry up for more swim lessons and Jason got to take him on Sunday (which is nice since I am not too excited to be in a bathing suit.  Although I just wear regular clothes in the pool normally to spare everyone)  Ry totally digs it this time since the water is about 85 degrees.  And yes, he has to wear those cool speedos....I know he looks to cool for school!  At least MoMo has to wear them too!  And we know Mr. Oliver wore them for his lessons and he's still cool
Kicking and splashing
Fun with Dada
His favorite..Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...
Under water!!!  And floating on back
Swimming around the pool
MoMo not to impressed with swim class
And walking on the train...another favorite.  Great view of speedos!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You say it's your birthday!

I can't believe OUR little boy is TWO already!  We had a bug/picnic/summer themed birthday party for him on Saturday.  All of his little friends came and it was so fun to see them all go crazy in the backyard.  Too bad Ryden hid upstairs in his playroom for half of the party.  But he came down in time for cake!  
He was super excited to see Gamma
I was super excited for the "worms in dirt"
My OC girls came down.  Marilyn is preggers also.  Due in October.
More CAKE TIME!  Happy Happy Birthday....on this your special day!
All the party peeps
Diggin into the presents
Chillin on the dirty floor...sweet
Aunteeeee came too!!
Homemade birdhouse for RyRy...from Ayla...awww
Pa's shadow...wherever he went...Boo went

Spoiled...too bad he could care less about opening them all
He did spend a few minutes with GG pie's card...
Loved the Llama from is now added to the stuffed animal pile he sleeps with every night
Homemade Brobee from Aunt Cody....why aren't you impressed Ryden?  Well I sure dug it!
It was a long but great party.  Glad I have a whole year until I have to plan another one.  Thanks to everyone for coming and for all of Ry's presents.  Way too much stuff!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


On Thursday, we took Papa and Ahwee to the Legoland Aquarium to see some fishes.  As you can tell, everyone was excited to go.  Ryden loved it this time.  He actually strolled through and took his time to look at the fish instead of wanting to be in his stroller the whole time.  He's getting so mature.  He really loved the slide the best though
I think Grandpa was diggin' it too
Of course he never plays with his Lego's at home but spent awhile building stuff with these Lego's
My mom must've taken 60 pictures of the fish trying to get the right camera mode
Touching starfish
That was FUN!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Showing Papa and Ahwee our hood

YAY!!  Papa and Ahwee (and Toby) came to visit and Ryden was on cloud 9!  We had to show off our cool duck pond so we took a walk down the street.  Ryden seemed to enjoy the cheerio's more than the duckies and was pretty excited Papa was hangin' with him
Ahwee and Toby stayed further back so the ducks wouldn't be scared because Toby is pretty tough
Then we ran to the waterfall and stopped to smell the flowers
Then it was on to show off Dada's ramp  Ry's favorite part is watching Jason do cool tricks.  We all get a kick out of watching Ry's facial expressions, jumping up and down, and shouts of 'more, more, MAS'.  But Dada made Ry ride also
Pa's 'cited' face
Stinky feet!  Nasty..bath time please!
Ryden's favorite activity...collecting stuff from Papa & Ahwee's room and putting it in his shopping cart.  He kept coming out with several different items including car parts that Pa had bought earlier that day.
More fun activities to come!