Wednesday, May 11, 2011

24 Weeks

I went to my detailed sonogram appointment last week.  The baby is perfectly fine.  Growing at a good rate and seems healthy.  I got to see his little features and fell more in love with the little one.  The only problem was my placenta seems to be low.  This could turn into placenta previa which could lead to a C-section.  I'm going back to the doctor on Friday because sometimes the placenta will rise on its own.  If its still low, I will have to restrain from heavy lifting (which makes life rough with a 26lb two year old) or exercise (hello thunder thighs!).  As long as Trev is ok I can deal with my biggie.  Other than that, finally feeling better after having the flu for two weeks.  Getting closer to the 30's (in weeks) which is when I usually say "holy crap...I'm going to have a little one soon".  Now it still seems like I have loads of time.