Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You say it's your birthday!

I can't believe OUR little boy is TWO already!  We had a bug/picnic/summer themed birthday party for him on Saturday.  All of his little friends came and it was so fun to see them all go crazy in the backyard.  Too bad Ryden hid upstairs in his playroom for half of the party.  But he came down in time for cake!  
He was super excited to see Gamma
I was super excited for the "worms in dirt"
My OC girls came down.  Marilyn is preggers also.  Due in October.
More CAKE TIME!  Happy Happy Birthday....on this your special day!
All the party peeps
Diggin into the presents
Chillin on the dirty floor...sweet
Aunteeeee came too!!
Homemade birdhouse for RyRy...from Ayla...awww
Pa's shadow...wherever he went...Boo went

Spoiled...too bad he could care less about opening them all
He did spend a few minutes with GG pie's card...
Loved the Llama from is now added to the stuffed animal pile he sleeps with every night
Homemade Brobee from Aunt Cody....why aren't you impressed Ryden?  Well I sure dug it!
It was a long but great party.  Glad I have a whole year until I have to plan another one.  Thanks to everyone for coming and for all of Ry's presents.  Way too much stuff!