Thursday, May 26, 2011

Swim lessons

We signed Ry up for more swim lessons and Jason got to take him on Sunday (which is nice since I am not too excited to be in a bathing suit.  Although I just wear regular clothes in the pool normally to spare everyone)  Ry totally digs it this time since the water is about 85 degrees.  And yes, he has to wear those cool speedos....I know he looks to cool for school!  At least MoMo has to wear them too!  And we know Mr. Oliver wore them for his lessons and he's still cool
Kicking and splashing
Fun with Dada
His favorite..Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...
Under water!!!  And floating on back
Swimming around the pool
MoMo not to impressed with swim class
And walking on the train...another favorite.  Great view of speedos!