Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

We were going to take a small hike on Mother's Day but I seem to have a low placenta (more on that later) so I have to restrain from anything super physical.  So we decided to take a stroll around the duck pond instead.  It was a cloudy day but the ducks were ready for some treats.  Many of them came up to us before we even reached the water!

Ryden, of course, loved walking with Auntie and Grandma

Feeding the ducks was 'fun' as Ryden put it
"I'm Cited!"  Ryden's excited face
Grandma's shadow
On to the "hike"
And the day isn't complete without racing Grandma
Here is my cheese fest moment:  I never imagined being a mom would be this rewarding.  It is truly the best thing that has happened to me and I can't imagine doing anything else.  Thank you to my wonderful hubby for allowing me to spend every day with my amazing, smart, funny, wonderful, good boy Ryden!  And Happy Mother's Day to all the other wonderful Mama's out there!

(from Jason): I wanted to add in 1 more photo showing Ryden holding Amy's flowers (from Mel).. Happy Mothers day to my wonderful and amazing wife!