Sunday, September 4, 2011

He's here!

Trevin James MacMaster
7lbs 11oz
19 inches
He's finally here and only a day past his due date.  Jason and I were under the impression that he would be super late like his brother so when I started contracting at midnight I didn't think anything of it.  Just normal cramps right?  A half an hour later my water broke.  Then I knew it was time.  Super Aunt Melinda came to our rescue and drove about 45 minutes to come stay with Ryden while we headed to the hospital.  We checked in around 4am and then the waiting began.  I was only 3cm dilated so began the walking.  I will spare all of the major details but around 6cm I decided I would go for the epidural.  All was well for a few more hours but I wasn't progressing very fast.  Doctor discussed giving me Pitocin to speed up delivery but I wanted to wait it out for a little longer.  Then, for some reason the epidural seemed to wear a little and the pain was a little intense (to say the least!). The nurse ran in and I had dilated from 6cm to 9cm in about 30 minutes.  Time to push....eleven minutes later Trevin arrived.
Hospital pictures after giving birth are SOOO flattering!
Us with Dr. Cobb...nicest doctor ever!
My parents were great.  I called them at around 1am when I went into labor and they were headed to Cali a short time later. They stayed with Ry to relieve Melinda and Teresa.
Grandma T-Dawg
Ryden's cool skateboard ramp that Trevin got him
Time to go home!  Yes we booked it out of there after only 24 hours...peace out!
What a great experience.  The hospital and staff were amazing!  I would say I would do it all over again but hmmmm....