Friday, September 30, 2011


WEIGHT:  10lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  His sleep giraffe that makes white noise.  It really helps him go to sleep.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Watching his big brother play.  Eating.  Tummy time
MILESTONE:  When he is on his tummy he can switch his head from side to side.  He also can hold his head up for quite a long time.  Strong boy
DISLIKE:  Gas!  Only time the little guy complains is when his little tummy hurts.
SLEEP PATTERNS:  Love this little one.  He usually goes to bed around 8 or 9pm...sleeps til about 1am, eats and back to bed.  Then back up at 4am, eats but then usually is a little restless.  From 4-6am we sometimes have trouble getting back into a deep sleep.  But only waking up twice is pretty darn good for a newborn!  I can't believe Trevin is already a month old!