Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Best Friends

Reece & Bff's.  Reece is my friend Lindsey's new baby and he is about two weeks older than Trevin.  Since most of Trevin's friends are girls, its nice for him to have a homie to kick it with.  The downfall is he lives about an hour away.  
Jason with Reece and Gib with Trevin.  Jason will be a new daddy next month.  
Trevin still continues to be a super chill baby.  Wakes up about twice a night, eats, and then back to bed.  Sometimes, he likes to stay up for an hour or so before going back to sleep which makes for a long night but I'm not complaining.  He rarely cried but the past couple of evenings we have been introduced to a 'witching hour'.  At around 6pm he will just start crying off and on for about an hour.  Nothing calms him down until he finally passed out.  That is really the only time he makes any kind of a fuss.  Ryden is getting used to having his brother around.  When I bring Trevin up in the morning, Ry gets a huge smile on his face and says "it's Trevin!  He's my favorite!"  Melt my heart.  Love both of these boys to death!