Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I did it!

So I ran my first 10K on St. Patty's Day.  Although it was only 6.2 miles, it felt good to finish it.  Despite the rain and cold wind, I ran the whole thing.  Didn't run it very fast but I have room to improve for my next race.  My stats:
Finished in 1 hour and 3 minutes (which isn't quite right because it took so long to pass the start line since there was a huge cluster of people)  I'm saying it was more like 1 hour...yeah I can say whatever I want.
That is about 10 minute miles....ok I guess
I finished 57th out of 127 people in my age group
At least I beat the guy dressed like gumby, the other guy dressed like the swamp thing, and the lady in the picture above showing her muffin top  
Thanks Hun for pushing me to do this!