Friday, March 30, 2012


WEIGHT:  17.2 lbs
FAVORITE TOY: Loves his brother's Brobee stuffed toy.  Although Ryden usually won't let him have it for very long.  Anything that's not a toy....juice boxes, keys, remote control, cell phone, shoes
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Standing up.  Knocking blocks over after Mama stacks them up  
MILESTONE:  Got his two bottom teeth.  Standing on his own while holding on to something.  Says mama.  Eating Mum-Mums.  
DISLIKES:  Vegetables and wearing beanies for too long. He tries to take them off but usually ends up covering up his eyes.  That's ok...would be a shame to hide that great hair
MAMA'S FAVORITE:  I got about two weeks of sleeping through the night!  Now we are back to waking up once or twice but I let him cry it out and he usually puts himself back to sleep after a few minutes.  But I am not complaining because he is such a chill, fun boy.  He just goes with the flow all day and laughs/smiles all the time.  Every stage is getting better and better
DADDY'S FAVORITE:  Jason loves the way he smiles every time he sees him and his awesome laugh.