Thursday, March 1, 2012


FAVORITE TOY:  A train that spits balls out (sounds amazing) and his Sophie the teething giraffe although he mostly likes to beat it against his jungle mat.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Being in the baby Bjorn.  Anytime he's in that darn thing he squeals and kicks his feet.  At the grocery store he screams for joy and people always turn their heads thinking somethings wrong.  Then they laugh when they realize he's having a grand ol' time
MILESTONES:  Holds his own bottle if he's laying down.  Sits up for a little while and then plummets forward which Ryden thinks is so funny.
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Seeing him around Ryden.  He is just in awe of his big brother!  When Ry acknowledges him you would think Trevin just won the lottery or something
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Watching him become a big boy.  The months seem to fly by so fast this time around so seeing him change every day is amazing

**(We still are not sleeping through the night!  We have a few good nights and then some rough ones.  This too shall pass)