Saturday, May 19, 2012

Final Tucson event...the FAIR!

While in Tucson, we headed out to the Pima County Fair.  Kids were finally feeling slightly better but Ryden still had his massive attitude.  At least Trevin had a good time.  And Jacob just wanted Trev to ride in his car
First stop....making jump ropes...alrighty
Cousins hitchin a ride together
Can't go anywhere with out my mom saying "Stand over there and let me get your picture".  So Sara and I had to stand by some random side show signs...nice.  We have learned it's less painful to just pose and get on with your life then to argue
Suntan lotion doubles great as hair gel
Another random pose pic
Petting zoo!  Right before melt down of all melt downs from Ryden (and me for that matter)
Butt in the face!

Ben was so cute with Ryden...walking around with him to all the animals.  And Ryden happily followed

Poor pig didn't stand a chance when Emma got a hold of a brush
After the petting zoo we were still doing fine attitude wise...even got him to take a cow picture
Then all heck broke loose.  We went into the animal stable area.  I kid you not....a goat baa'd and Ryden flipped out.  Covered his ears and said TOO LOUD!!  For real?  So I had to exit with him and we stood outside while he screamed bloody murder.  And the fam took Trev
Then Papa came and took Ry while I posed with Trev
After more screaming, Ryden finally calmed down when we saw the tractors...
...and the foot massagers??  Happy as a clam!
Rides finally!  Guess who didn't want to ride?
Pretty Tucson sunsets
Loved playing in the garden and picking fake apples.  Whatever makes Ryden happy!
And finally rode a ride...with Brobee...and his fingers...pick your battles