Monday, May 7, 2012

Tucson visit part 1

While Jason was gone to China, I spent a few weeks with the fam in AZ.  I brought along a sick baby and that sick baby proceeded to infect his brother.  I bring so much fun with me.
We arrived in good spirits (sheesh...maybe I should put some make-up on!)
We all watched while Ryden read his "ABC'S of Rock" book word for word
Ryden danced like a white boy
We nursed the poor sick (but very happy) baby
We played with phones from the old'in days and dug holes
We stood in front of cactus trying to make grumpy pants happy
We visited Dr. Dale's office....Hi Aunt Chris
And was entertained by Wynette and a 'toby' dog
Mastered the art of peek-a-boo
Lots of walks before the weather hit 100 degrees!
Did some 'real bowling'
And Mama got to hang out with the girls
Since I was there for two weeks I will have a few more pictures to share....