Tuesday, May 1, 2012


WEIGHT:  17lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  Anything his brother is playing with.  Skateboards, matchbox cars, Brobee
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Standing up.  He holds onto our coffee table and could stand there for days.  Loves to blabber too...talks mostly while he's eating  
MILESTONES:  Pulls himself up from a seated position.  "Walks" while we hold his hand.  Gives high fives and waves hello.  
DISLIKES:  Sitting down.  Being held (which I dislike because he's always trying to fly out of my hands).  Wants to be standing all the time.  Still does not crawl or roll around.
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Seeing how proud he gets when he pulls himself up.  When he is sitting and playing he crosses his little legs.  Watching him "talk" to his brother and light up when Ryden looks his way
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Seeing his expression when Jason got back from China.  He was so excited to see his Daddy!