Tuesday, October 30, 2012


FAVORITE TOY:  He has this Shane O'Neil skateboarder that he carries all around with him.  Loves playing with Ryden's scooter and skateboard also.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Taking everything out of the cabinets and drawers.  I am constantly following the kid and putting things back where they belong.  I have found a random skateboard in the refrigerator or an unused can of peas in the trash can.  He also loves doing any activity as long as it involves being outside.  He gets cabin fever rather easily.
MILESTONE:  Walking at a faster pace.  He recognizes what we are saying now.  Balancing on the skateboard while in motion.  He will point to items that I am talking about.  He picks the correct item out of flash cards when I give him choices (where is the mouse?).  Crazy amount of teeth.  He has all four in front on the top and bottom and all four molars!  And he inherited my big teeth just like Ryden...lucky kid
DISLIKES:  Being inside!!  Not too keen on the stroller anymore.  Being held...being in a shopping cart...he pretty much ends up stunt devil-ing his way out of any confinement.  Still has some stranger danger.  Loves his mama
MAMA'S FAVORITE:  Watching him soak up everything.  He now seems to actually listen when I describe things to him or tell him what something is.  I love how excited he gets when he sees a dog...any dog.  It's the little things..
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Of course watching him ride on the skateboard...with no assistance.  Balance pro!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Preschool Pumpkin Patch

Ryden's preschool set up the cutest little pumpkin patch on a grassy area of the school.  The kids all got to hear a halloween story and then pick out their very own pumpkin.  Loved it!  I was even more impressed how they managed to get a picture with all of these 3 year olds!  I can't even get the two of mine to sit still for a few seconds.
Standing next to his buddy Myles
Story time
Someone isn't quite paying attention
Trevin really wants to be a part of the big kid activities
He loves this pumpkin!  Seriously.. 
He always talks about his friends Myles and Max so I took a picture with both of them
Totally love Ryden's preschool...so happy we found it...