Monday, October 15, 2012 3

Papa and Ahwee headed home but the Davies still had one more day of Disneyland left in of course we tagged along as well.  Since all the Davies kids are tall enough to ride the big rides (including Emma who is 5 months younger than Ry), I went on a few solo rides with my short boys.  Of course that included Small World, teacups (barf), and the carousel (barf barf).
Once again, Ryden had to have the couch.  
Roller Coaster!!!  Too bad Papa wasn't there to tickle him
And if you are a little girl you CANNOT leave Disney without meeting the Princess's...Emma was in heaven!
Didn't get as many photos as I wanted.  The ratio was 5:3 (kids to adults) so a little hard to whip out the ole camera.  But we still had a blast but were Disney'd out by the end of the day