Saturday, October 13, 2012 1

Monday started off the Disney fun.  We all woke up bright and early and headed to the happiest place on earth.....along with every other person in America.  But we still had an awesome time despite the heat and crowds.  I do believe Trevin's favorite ride was the tram..  
Mom is the queen of making us pose by dorky things so I made mom pose by this winnie the pooh because it matched her shirt.  And she was happy to oblige 
The cousins meet up...
And then shortly after....Trev was OUT
Waiting in line for the teacups.  This was shortly after my dad got chewed out by Alice for calling her Cinerella
Pretty much everyone in our family refuses to go on the teacups so Papa took one for the team (little did I know I would get talked into going on the Tower of Terror which is TEN times worse than the teacups)
Toon town was a mad house!  We waited in line for about 45 minutes just to ride the roller coaster that lasted no more than 15 seconds (no joke)
Kids were much happier just runnin' around
We tried to ride the rides that had the shortest lines like the carousel.....
...and GG's wheelchair
After walking and waiting all day we just found a shady spot and let the kids go nuts with lollipops

Almost every picture I have of Jacob, Trevin is there also.  Jacob followed him all around shouting his name, trying to get Trevin's attention.  Best buddies
Ole buddy, Ole pal
Tom Sawyer's Island..which is now called something different I believe
Trev waving to the boat
Winding down on It's a Small World (for about the 4th time of the day)
I told Mom to do her Small World dance.....turned out rather nicely
Excited and in awe
Walking....walking.....and more walking!!
See you tomorrow Disneyland