Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New friends...

Thank goodness I have started meeting some new people because the boys and I were starting to get bored hangin' by ourselves.  In SD, Ryden's friends were mostly boys.  Here we seem to gravitate toward the ladies...
Trev and his girl Casey.  They are mommy/me preschool buddies.  We hang with Casey after while we wait for big brother to be done with his preschool
When we were at the park last weekend, this little girl made a beeline for Ryden and they instantly because BFF's. So we arranged a playdate.  Her name is Annabelle and she also has a little sister for Trev to play with (although she is only 4 months right now)

Sometimes Trev and I are a little early to pick Ry up from preschool so we hang around and play on the playground.  That is where we met Petra while she was waiting for her big sister to get out of preschool also.  Turns out her big sis Sofia is in the classroom right next to Ryden.  I didn't get any pics of Petra and Trev but here is Sofia and Ryden.  More hugging...slow down Romeo