Thursday, October 11, 2012

Papa, Ahwee, and GG Pie visit

My mom, dad, and grandma came for a weekend visit and we had a blast!  Ryden had been talking about their arrival for quite some time and was over the moon when they got here.  We showed them the crib and neighborhood and Pa and Ryden even had a few scooter races.  I had the paramedics on speed dial....

We walked around the pier and just enjoyed the sunny weather.  Ry started having a bad attitude in which we bribed with a trip on the tilt-a-whirl.  Instant mood change.   Happy Ryden = Happy family
Trevin havin' a good ole time
 We tried to do a family photo "Cody" style (that means using the timer)...the first shot needs some improvement
Second times the charm...
Ry is noticeably missing from the above picture.   He started with the bad attitude so we bribed him with a trip to the tilt-a-hurl.  Instant change

At home, GG pushed Trev all around the house.  I told GG he likes when you sing the tune of "wipeout" and GG started belting it out.  Trev was in hog heaven....GG's back was not
Then Trevin showed Ahwee around his park
After the park we went home....and Ryden got a hold of the camera..CHEESE!