Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another Disney post...I know, I know!

Well....we just HAD to go back to Disney because the last time we went, Small World was closed.  So we made up for it this time by riding it three times!
Moses and Ivy were suppose to roll with us but Mo ended up getting sick the night before.  But I still had a blast...just me and the boys.  They are at such a good age and super easy to take all by myself.  I am even starting to 'like' the teacups!
Now I realize I go to Disneyland all the time when I look back on old in point below:
Ryden on the left...Trevin on the right...both around the same age
Where was Ryden while Trev was with Pooh you ask?  Sulking on the side lines, throwing an attitude because he didn't want to give Pooh a hug.  While we were leaving Pooh even tried to get a high five and Ry blew him off...Pooh was sad.  About 20 minutes later, Ryden looks at me and says "Mama, I'm sorry I made Pooh sad".  That kid...
Such a fun day and hardly any crowds.  I believe we rode about 10 rides which is pretty darn good!  We even stopped to measure Ry for Splash Mountain.  Still just a HAIR short.  Keep eating those veggies buddy!  By 3:30 we were done...assed out!!
P.S.  I have such an amazing husband.  He works so hard so that I can enjoy these days with my boys while they are still young.  I scored in that department and I love him.