Sunday, March 31, 2013

Photo shoot with my good friend Marcy

Marcy and I have been BFF's forever!  So, when I was in Arizona for Christmas, Marcy and I decided to get all of our kids together for a photo shoot.
Check out the newest Kynaston addition.  Myles is to die for!
Marcy's friend was the photographer and she got some great shots!  I love these ones where Hannah, Adrianna, and Ryden are all running towards the camera
And these...hello!  So stinkin' cute!
Another group shot
Trevin was pretty much Nightmare on Elm Street part II the whole time.  It was really cold outside and he was just extra whiney!  But Susan still got some great candid pictures
Marcy tried to work her dice
Then we all tried...
Adrianna was the winner!!!
This one absolutely MELTS my heart!!!
Susan finally figured out it is just best to take pictures from far away with a very zoomed up lens...
My boys
Handsome Ryden..
One of my favs
Loved little Myles!  Such a happy sweet baby....
Finally...Susan made us pose like senior's in high school.  Dork city!  
Seriously?  Geeksville!!  BFF's!!