Sunday, March 10, 2013

Few pics from last weeks events

We made another trip to the Long Beach Aquarium.  This time Ryden came along and we also met up with Ayla.  Ry and Ayla were so cute together.  Holding hands....looking at the fish...always looking out for each other.  Trev was a mad man.  Running through the whole place, starting at fish for 5 seconds, splashing in puddles, ay yi yi!
The penguins were a hit
After running wild for about an hour, Trevin starting falling asleep in my arms so we hit the road.  When we got home we played imagination outside.  Floatin' down a river in his umbrella
I forgot to post this pic back when we visited the Rockwells.  I LOVE it!  Trev laying so calmly next to Mia the cat.  Such a sweet moment
And of course we had another beach these awesome moments with Jason and the boys.  My favorite thing to do is sit back and watch while they interact.