Monday, March 4, 2013


WEIGHT:  22.7 lbs 
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Def jumping in the trampoline outside.  He does flips over this big ball, does crazy high jumps, and plays 'mosh pit' with his bro.  Loves running all over the house following his brother.  Loves watching Disney Sing-a-longs.  Loves helping me unload the dishwasher.  Can do a somersault by himself.  And I just asked Ryden what else Trev likes to do.  His response?  "He likes to throw a fit."
FAVORITE WORDS:  Still saying BA and now says AHHPA which no one in their right mind would know what that means except me.  It means apple.  The Dr. said he is fine with the little amount of words he says and long as he can show us what he wants.  And boy does he find a way to let us know what he wants!
DISLIKES:  Hated getting a check up.  I mean seriously....the Dr just whipped out the stethoscope and we had melt down city!  The kid didn't even get shots and still cried the entire check up!  Not getting to go somewhere with the 'Dudes'.  Yesterday, Jason took Ryden on a solo trip to the Vans store.  When they were leaving, Trev followed.  I picked him up and told him he had to stay with me.  Oh the tears!  Then after they left I took him up to Ry's room to play and he just sat on the floor crying.  Broke my heart!  
MAMA'S FAVORITE:  Watching him try to attempt the things his brother is doing.  And I must say that he succeeds a lot!  He is very outgoing.  I also love how he comes running over with something and gets so excited to show it to me.
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Trev has started waving and saying BUH when J leaves for work.  And gives tons of hugs and kisses.  Makes Dada feel special.  Also, gets so excited when Jason gets home.