Monday, April 29, 2013

Santa Monica

Last weekend we decided to head to Santa Monica for a spur of the moment adventure.  We arrived at the pier a little early.  Nothing was open so we walked over to the mall so J could do some "trend shopping".  It was a little chilly but the boys loved running around!
This fountain area kept these two entertained forever while Jason went shopping.  Jumping of the ledge?  Ryden's heaven
Trev pondering if he should jump in the water or just try to imitate his brother
Ryden and I played hide n' seek for a little bit
 Trev did not appreciate being contained in the back of the stroller
We went into Barnes and Noble.  Trev is running around like a mad man looking at everything.  Ry picked a Dr. Seuss book and sat quietly in the corner....that's my boy
Our friend Molly happens to live in Santa Monica so of course we had to meet up with her and her fiance for lunch.  Trevin walked right over to her, sat next to her, and was in awe.  Pretty unusual for Trev but totally cute!
Also, in awe of her dog...
Then on to the rides
Trev....the risk taker
Handsome little boy
Typical Trevin move while doing something that requires patience.  Jumping out of your arms...
Big guy in a little boat....
Super excited Trevin.....ROLLER COASTER!
What a fun day....was so good to  hang out with Polka Diddy!