Monday, August 5, 2013

Auntie and Nick are moving to Austin

Nick got a promotion which involves moving to Texas.  So last weekend, we all hung out one last time as a family before the big move.  And what better place to hang than in the water.  We paddle boarded, jet skied, peddle boated, and sun bathed.  It was a great last hoo-rah!
Teresa on the paddle board
That's me...good thing this pic was taken from far away!
Ry and Dada jet skiing.  Ry absolutely loves doing this!  In fact, he was the one who convinced Jason to rent it...
Nick and Melinda's turn while Teresa and I take a quick dip.  Nasty water...although I did swim in the bay for several years and seem to be fine.
Then Nick got to try it solo...his first time.  Not bad!
Teresa tearin' it up!

Ry hitched a ride with Dada on the paddle board
While Teresa, Melinda, Trev, and I struggled on the paddle boat.  Worst.  Idea.  Ever!  Haha!

The boat ride proved to be too boring for Trevin.  He passed out before we made it back to shore...
Auntie on babysitting duty
In an attempt to shield Trevin from the sun, we covered him from head to toe.  Can you spot him in the below picture?  Look for a foot that was left uncovered:
Once Trev woke up, he had a few snacks (of course) while Ry and Dada played "wipeout" on the local tubes..
Dada doing a headstand...and then Ry trying to imitate it
Another glorious headstand
Then Trev got in on the action while Ry watched
Let's play in the sand and get as messy as we can before we go into Mama's clean!
Great great day!