Sunday, August 25, 2013

Trevin's rad birthday party

Last year for Trev's birthday we were newbies to South Bay, so he didn't get a big celebration.  This year I told Jason I wanted to do something semi-big for him.  We go to classes every week at My Gym so I decided to have his birthday there since both boys love it!  I must say, it was by far the best/easiest birthday party ever.  Non-stop activities for the kids, open space, major attention for the birthday boy, and ample time for the adults to was amazing.  The boys had the place to themselves before the guests arrived
This place is a kid's dream!
This can't end good
This picture is super blurry but totally one of my fav's...Nice form Trev
After everyone arrived, the kids all sat around a circle and introduced themselves.  Trev was asked how old he was to which he replied "Two!" (sounded like "Toots" to me)..Then it was followed up by a little 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes'
Busted out the parachute!  I loved watching all the kids get so excited over every activity!  They let the birthday boy jump in the middle...then the boys...followed by the girls.
Next all the kids huddled together and then it was 'whack each other with balls' time!  I got hit about 30 times while attempting to take pictures.  Chaos...but fun chaos
I can't believe how most all of the kids sat through a puppet show.  Olivia made sure to keep a close watch on the birthday boy.  Zoey screamed when the shark puppet ate the fish puppets and headed for Mama Nicole..
The next activity was my favorite!  They brought Trevin out on this sled thing and pulled him around the circle of kids.  Everyone was told to cheer and give him high fives.  Trevin sat on that thing lookin' oh so hip passing out high fives while "Macho Macho Man" song played on the stereo.  I was dying of laughter.  Then all the kids stood up and followed the sled thing with Trevin still on it...He was such a celebrity for a few props to his fan club
...and Ayla always next to her RyRy
Pizza and cake time!!!
I cannot even begin to describe how cute it was to watch Trevin with his cake!  He sat in front of everyone and patiently waited while they all sang happy birthday (if anyone knows how much Trev loves sugar they would be as amazed as I was that he sat for that long).  Then casually blew both candles out.  And then dove face first into the frosting.  It was so gangster (as one Dad put it).  
Everyone cheered after he blew out the candles.  So he raised the roof for himself..
Pizza still in hand....
Miles and Ryden
Ryden and Ayla (next to each other of course)
The Sala girls...Petra and Sofia
Sugar high!  (Notice his plate of cake....for realz???)
Miss Casey
The only pictures of adults I managed to get:
The Dax's
And the Sala's
After all of the sugar the kids were bouncing off the walls (literally)
And then the puppets were brought out...poor puppets!  Gettin' tossed around everywhere!
My main man...Noah.  He followed me all around, sat on my lap, and wanted me to pick him up.  When his Mama tried to take him from me he refused to go to her.  Thanks for making me feel special him!
Another favorite part was the airplane ride and zip line...
Hmmm....some of the Dad's got in on the action too.  I thought the roof was going to cave in
No party is complete without massive amounts of BUBBLES!!  You would have thought Justin Bieber made an appearance with how excited these kids were!
"Come here often?"
Hannah and Petra were in heaven!
One last shout out for the birthday boy and the party was over.  Still can't believe how much fun it was and how little stress I had.  And how much fun Trevin had!  He was not shy at all and was loving every minute of the attention...thank you My Gym!!  And Happy Birthday to our big TWO year old!