Monday, August 5, 2013


WEIGHT:  23.8 lbs
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  He loves loves watching skateboarding videos which have some pretty cool music in them.  I downloaded several of the songs and I will play them while he does tricks with his mini skateboards all over the house.  He acts just like a real skateboarder...bailing and everything.  Loves taking walks and jumping down stairs (two at a time..heart attack).  
FAVORITE BOOK:  Yeah...we aren't into books as much as his brother is...but he loves this book called "Where's the Poop?"  Go figure
FAVORITE WORS:  Poop, Eye, Owl, Apple, I swear he said Ahwee the other day, bus, Yes
FUNNY MOMENT:  We were walking around the neighborhood the other evening and Trevin kept stopping, saying something, and laughing.  I couldn't understand what he was saying.  When I got closer I realized he was saying 'toots'.  So he would walk, stop, toot, and laugh.  Sweet
MAMA'S FAVORITE:  Every night before we go to bed, I tell Trev to go give his brother a kiss goodnight.  He runs into Ryden's room, gives him the biggest hug, and a small peck on the cheek.  Aww brother love (for a few seconds at least)
DADS FAVORITE:  Of course, that he can sit and watch his old favorite skateboarding DVD's with Trev.  And Trev has also cried a few times when Jason and Ryden left for work/preschool.  He wants to be part of the Dudes too!  Oh yeah, and Jason does love that he has his "DUDES"...Mama = chopped liver ;)