Wednesday, August 28, 2013


WEIGHT:  25.2 lbs
RECAP:  First of all, I cannot believe I have a two year old.  Although the past year hasn't been easy, that hasn't stopped it from flying by.  Trevin is such a different kid than his brother.  He is strong willed and wants his way all the time.  He would live on snacks and sweets if I let him.  He is really starting to talk a lot more.  The first word out of his mouth in the morning is Pa-pop.  No you cannot have a lolipop for breakfast Trev.  The other day he held a full conversation with me and I didn't understand a single word.  When I finally cave in and give him a treat he will follow it up with an "Oh yesh!" or "Woo Hoo".  Instead of saying "thank you" he will give you an air kiss.  He says "peas" now while also doing the sign language for please.  When asked who his favorite skate boarder is he will proudly say "Alto" which stands for Sean Malto.  He can also pick 'Alto' out in the skate videos.   
He really does have an awesome personality.  At his birthday party I had several people tell me "Can I please take him home?"  He gives everyone a high five who asks, and a hug/kiss if prompted.  He is very much a Mama's boy and sometimes just wants to lay by me.  He goes around the house pointing at picture of me and says "Mama" over and over again.  He loves dancing with his brother and has some pretty sweet moves for a white boy.  He also loves to wrestle with his bro but gets a little too rough sometimes for Ryden's liking.  He loves jumping down stairs.  I hold his hand while we walk down the stairs...he proceeds to JUMP while holding on which completely catches me off guard.  He thinks he is flying and loves it.  I have a heart attack each time.  
He has been such a wonderful sleeper for the past several months which I deserve big time!  We had such a long rough patch with him.  Now he goes to bed without hesitation (sometimes even walking to his crib demanding to be put to sleep) and doesn't wake up until about 6:30am.  I cannot tell you how much more patient and happy I am after getting a full nights sleep.  So thank you for that Trevin.
I cannot wait to see what the next year brings because I am having such a good time with these two right now.  They melt my heart every day and am so glad that each of them have one another to share growing up experiences with.  Brothers rule!
Time for potty training and ditching the pacifier.....ahhh heck!