Monday, November 18, 2013

Last minute trip to Solvang

Jason and I decided on Friday night that we would take a weekend trip up to Santa Barbara.  We went to the little town of Solvang.  Super cute and such a fun little getaway.  We went to parks, walked around the town, found a skate park, and fit in some wine tasting.  The boys loved the town...mainly because of the "orsey's" and "eye keem" (Horses and ice cream)
It was a little chilly so instead of "eye keem" we let the boys pick out some chocolate.  Now I know where the saying 'Like a little kid in a candy store' comes from.  Holy heck was Trev in heaven

We found a pretty cool park and let the boys get some energy out after the car ride
This slide had the biggest drop off at the bottom.  The boys would slide down, land on their butts, and die of laughter

And man....we must've stayed on the darn swings for ever!
Kickin' Dada is a blast
Running the bases on the baseball field
While Trev stomps on leaves
Our attempt at the timer function on the  One of the shots ended up being of the ground after our camera fell off the perch it was on
Cutest little town to go for wine tasting.  And by wine tasting I mean we actually just had one glass while the kids colored and ran around on the grass.   
It started getting a little late so we headed back to the hotel and let the kids take a dip in the pool before we headed to dinner
After dinner, the kids got out more energy by bouncing from bed to bed.
Blurry butt crack shot...
Yeah...that blur happens to be Trevin...
After a long day the kids passed out!!  Snuggling...with each other.
The next day it was time to head home.  But we stopped by this super cool skate park before we left.
The boys were in hog heaven.  We didn't even have any skateboards or scooters but Trevin was fine with his mini skateboard and Ryden was content sliding down everything on his butt...
There was a regular park right next door so we hit that up too..
World's most dangerous slide!  Jason almost dislocated an ankle going down that thing!
Best moment?  When we were leaving, Ryden said "Do you want to hold my hand Trevin?"  To which he replied "Yesh"....
And then Ryden said "Hip hop dance Trevin...."
Great short trip!  So much fun!!