Friday, November 1, 2013

Back to Tucson we go...part 5 (how many parts are there!!?)

The troops all headed over to GG's house to pay her a visit.  It was a mad house.  GG mentioned how she wished her piano had a cover for the keys.  I couldn't have agreed with her more.  
Trev decided to do some yard work
And Tinkerbell made an appearance
Ben was such a good sport and let Trevin annoy him for awhile
Then the kids proceeded to take every book off the shelf and "read" them
Auntie Katie did her fair share of 'ring-around-the-rosy'
After we created enough chaos, we said our goodbyes and headed home.  Papa was super excited to show the kids his surprise.  It was a popper he had gotten from the wedding he went to.  The anticipation was WAY built up.  Turns out it just made a small fart noise and a few pieces of confetti flew out.  I was pretty impressed.
Then we had one of the best times just chillin' in the backyard.  The weather was perfect, the kids played nicely together...loved it!
Vera pointed out an airplane..and then asked 'where'd it go?'
Mimicking their older cousins
I never knew how much entertainment a worn out slide and pool toys could provide
Ryden and all his thousands of stuffed animal homies were pooped by the end of the night
Since Aunt Suzanne and cousin Marissa couldn't make it to the baby shower, they drove down the next day to hang out with us.  Sara had jury duty so we all went to her house so we could watch her kids for her (and now you can see what we did while you were away Sara..and how your house got trashed).  I should've been driving back to Cali on this day but Cody convinced me to stay a few days longer.  I'm glad I did...
Ryden and Emma were perfectly content for quite awhile coloring in Sara's bathroom
Vera was perfectly content having Marissa push her in the stroller all around the house
Trevin was perfectly content watching Jacob play mindcraft (minecraft??)
"A pretty girl.....looks like a melody"
Jacob had his work cut out for him
Mama and baby
Mama, baby, and a cousin
Best buds
Duck lip gangstas
Me and my Aunt trying to look normal
Lovely ladies
Harper just entertaining herself on the grass
And one more selfie with Sunshine...