Thursday, November 7, 2013


Halloween day started out with a parade at Ryden's preschool.  I do have to mention that I sorta waited until the last minute for a costume for Ry so the day before I took him to the Halloween store and told him to pick whatever he wanted.  He ended up with the $12 generic pumpkin.  
A doughnut and a pumpkin hikin' up a hill
Trev LOVED his doughnut costume...until the sun was beating down on him and he was melting
Waiting to march
There they go!
Trev giving Princess Ella a hug
...and officer Adam a hug
After the parade, the kids went trick or treating through all the classrooms.  Ryden and a few of his homies
Joshua requested a silly picture shot
Checkin' out the goods
One of the classrooms let Trev have a lollipop.  Made his day
Group shot!  This was the hardest thing to accomplish!! 
In the evening, we went over to the Shabani's to trick or treat in fancy Manhattan Beach.  Mila was excited to see her homie Trev and went in for a hug
At least now Trevin can stand by Mila without biting her.  Progress
Ry and Ella were content coloring in the playroom
Originally, I wanted the boys to wear their Risky Business costumes for trick or treating.  But I couldn't take the doughnut costume away from Trev.  So I just dressed them up and took pictures of the mini Tom Cruises.
"Today's music ain't got the same soul...I like that ol time rock and roll"
Mila sure does love her "Ryan".  Both made the cutest looking pumpkins
Trev helped himself to the candy before we even left the house
All ready to get some much needed candy!
The houses in Courtney's neighborhood were DECKED out!  And they gave awesome candy stuff!  One house even had a prize wheel....
"Oh what a cute little ninja turtle" said some one giving out candy.
Both the boys were super into going from house to house.  And both would yell trick or treat the minute the door opened.  They could have done this all night!
They were on a mission....Jason and I even stood behind while they walked up to the doors by themselves
My little doughnut and his goodies
The aftermath....Trevin is still carrying around his pumpkin full of candy and sometimes even sleeps with it...
Happy Halloween!!!