Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our old homies come for a visit

Nicole, Regi, Ayla, and Zoey came up for a visit this weekend.  Ayla and Ryden have been homies since they were about 4 months old.  So cute to see them together.  They were so shy at first but then it was like the good ol' days. They played together for several hours..
Comparison photo
2009 vs 2013
Of course we had to take them to the pier to ride the spinny ride.  So we hopped on our bikes and scooters and took off

LOVE this picture
I don't know how Jason did it, but he managed to get out of riding the tilt-a-wirl by making Nicole go on instead...smooth move
And then....the boring merry-go-round...Zoey's favorite (although she doesn't look too impressed in the picture)
Then...of course...the big kids decided they wanted to ride on the stroller so everyone piled on.  And the adults were stuck pushing a scooter and bike home...
No big and my four kids just cruising along...
Trev was not happy with Zoey sitting next to him, so our stroller of four became a stroller of three...
Zoey hitched a ride on the unused bike
Nicole caught us in the act..
And then...we tried the impossible.  Getting four kids to pose for a picture.  Thank goodness Nicole was quick with the camera and managed to get a few shots
Trevin got some air on this one...
So good to hang with the crew.  We will have to do that more often...