Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pumpkin carving and party hoppin'

Time to carve the pumpkins!  Ryden was super in to digging out the guts.  Trevin treated it like a pop-pop of course
Trevin then took the bowl we were suppose to use for the guts and wore it as a hat
Everyone got a little over the whole project so we ended up with some half-ass done pumpkins..
But we did make some pretty sweet pumpkin seeds
Jason managed to finish his pumpkin...
The next day we went to a Halloween party at Ryden's friend Adam's house.  Lots and lots of sugar!
We didn't even realize it but Adam and Ryden were a cop and a doughnut.  HAHAHA!
Andrea (Adam's mom) decorated her whole backyard for Halloween.  Ry especially liked the 'crematorium'...spooky!
A vampire and a doughnut.  Ry with Adam's mom.  Now Ryden needs to give the doughnut costume back to his brother!