Wednesday, February 4, 2015

MacMaster's take Miami: Part 2

Our next day in Miami was filled with awesome fun with our amazing tour guide and cute twins.  We met everyone at Fairchild Gardens...this cool place that was basically one huge garden.  The lady that sells tickets is such a fan of the Byrne girls that she let us in for free!  Score!  Of course, the kids ran crazy through everything.  I was in awe of this place.  So much beauty!
I told Ryden that he had to help watch out for the little ones since there were four of them and two of us.  He did a pretty good job.
 Trevin was usually the Lone Ranger.
So much greenery to look at!  And once the kids saw the 'lake' they wanted to go down to it.
While we were making our way down to the lake, we stopped by all the blown glass exhibits they had.  Again, I was amazed...the kids, not so much.  All they wanted to do was touch them which was way against the rules.  Security was pretty tight that day.
Sweet Vera was a Lone Ranger also.  I was trying to get her to look at the camera by saying "Don't look at Aunt don't look at her" didn't work.
Trying to get these kids to pose on the bridge was impossible....until Cody said "Let's pretend like we are in jail".  Brilliant!
I mean seriously?  With this scenery?  Another 'walking away' know how I love those.
We made our way to the butterfly enclosure.  The kids really enjoyed this.  
 And this butterfly really enjoyed Cody's pants
 The kids actually took their time in here.  And by taking their time, I mean we actually stayed somewhere for longer than 30 seconds.  Vera loved pointing out all of the butterflies to me...which I documented, of course.
 This worker walked by with a few dead butterflies in his hands.  Hog heaven for the kids since they were allowed to touch them.
 This sweet lady knew everything there was to know about butterflies.  She gathered the kids around to demonstrate, with flour, how butterflies pollinate the flowers.  She was so excited but the kids didn't seem too thrilled.  I took one for the team and listened to her whole lesson and even watched her blow flour all over the place.  We saw her a few times later and the poor lady still had flour all in her hair and on her mouth.  I didn't have the heart to tell her. 
 Poor Trevin really wanted to just hold a dang butterfly.  
 Future bug scientists? 
 We finally got someone to offer to take our picture instead of begging.
 ...and then Ryden got a hold of my camera.  Some pretty artsy shots...
 I called this the boat of balls.
 Each kid fell off this stroller and got ran over at least once.
 Jody (the girl's grandma) was having a book club so we stopped by to say hi.  She was so sweet to have presents for all of the kids.  We decided to get out of their hair and go feed the kids.  Cody left me in charge while she ordered the food.  Cody came back and was surprised that I had kept them all entertained.  A little tag and skateboarding apples helped.
 Everyone was winding down.  Trevin was sitting next to Harper and she accidentally spilled her water.  A little splashed on his pants.  Holy heck it was like the world was going to end.  "SHE GOT MY MICHAEL JACKSON PANTS WET!  IT WASN'T ON ASIDENT (accident)".  Poor, sweet Harper was so confused.  She apologized a dozen times but bi-polar Trev wasn't havin' it.  Sorry sweet girl.  We know you didn't mean it.  **author's note:  Please remember this story for a future blog post about the Alligator Farm boat ride**
 It was time to go after that, so we headed to our hotel.  We chilled until Jason was done with work and then we headed to the pool area to check it out.
 It was so pretty!
 Our hotel was right by the beach so we explored for a little bit.
 Trevin, of course, had to ask me what this sign said.
 Ice cream time and off to bed after a long, fun day!