Tuesday, February 17, 2015

MacMasters take Miami: The final chapter

Our last day was spent at the beach.  We let the boys play around in the sand and water for awhile.  Trev and Dada were having a blast building a sand castle.
 Ryden was content, again, with looking for shells and staying away from the water.  This was fine with me because for some reason, I was freezing, so I stayed wrapped up in a towel.
Trev ain't scared of no cold water!
 My little beach bum
 The clouds rolled in and Trevin quickly dove under a towel to keep warm.
Jason made up a game to keep the boys entertained.  Throw the shell into the bucket.  It was tons of fun.
 We headed back to the hotel to clean up and pack before going to go visit Cody and the girls one last time before we had to leave.  Vera and Harper were still napping when we got to their house, so we enjoyed the backyard for awhile.
 It was getting close to the time we needed to leave for the airport.  Cody insisted we go wake up the girls.  She said they would be super upset if we left without saying goodbye.  We all headed up into their bedroom and attempted to wake them up.  Harper sat up and was more pea-eyed than anyone I had ever seen.  She gave us a blank, confused look for some time.  Then Vera woke up and did the same.  After they finally realized who we were, we all headed back outside.  All the cousins played for a bit and then it was time to go.  A few more group pics with the help of a lollipop bribe.
 Harper is wondering why Cousin It is holding her sister.  
Soooo sad to leave.  We had such a good time with our cousins.  It was awesome to see how much they loved being around each other.  It was like they see each other every day.  Hopefully, we will be back soon.  Thanks for being an awesome tour guide Cody!!