Tuesday, February 3, 2015

MacMaster's take Miami: Part 1

I have been saying for so long that I wanted to take a trip to Miami to visit my sister and her little family.  It just so happened that Jason needed to take a work trip out there so the boys and I tagged along.  The first few days Jason was working so I got to spend a lot of time with Cody and the girls.  We met at Jungle Island on the first day.  This was the first picture I got of the girls right when they saw us.
My boys and Cody's girls acted like they see each other every day.  They all took off running, the girls leading to show us all the adventures of Jungle Island.
We followed the girls because they seemed to know their way around the place.  We stopped every so often for about 30 seconds to look at something and then we were off to the next animal.
 Ryden chilled in the trees
On to the flamingos.  Cody and I were frantically searching through our purses for any change so we could buy flamingo food.  No luck.  Thank goodness a worker showed up ready to feed them and was so kind to hand some food to the little people so they could feed them also.
 We were about 15 minutes into the fun when Trevin asked for a snack.  Immediately, the girls requested one also.  Three peas in a pod.  Trevin would continue to ask for snacks throughout the day.
All we kept hearing about was this Monster Bird.  So that was our next stop.  Of course, I didn't get a great shot of this so called bird because I had approximately 23 seconds before we were running to the next stop.
Then they discovered the playground.
 We played for several seconds and then they moved on to the petting zoo.
 Harper loved this big Llama thing.  She would touch it's tail and then make a deep belly giggle.
 Trevin steered clear
 "I'm ready for my close up"
 Annnnnd....back to the playground.
Thirty seconds of playing and then on to the gorillas.
 Ry was pouting by this time
And hiding behind trees
Annnnd...back to the playground.  Cody and I kept joking that we paid admission for the kids to play on a playground.
Why why why do I always dress him in white pants?  When will I learn??
 Cute cousins
Lunch time! (Didn't we just have snack about 45 seconds ago?)  Harper was getting a kick out of Trevin when he was showing her his "see-food"
The alligators are coming!!!!  The girls did this for me about 30 times during our trip.  And boy do they sound exactly like alligators.  I had to run for my life.
 Back to the playground.  The kids played ice cream store for a few minutes.
 Then we decided to get them some real ice cream.
I am so glad my sister is just as annoying about taking pictures.  We make a good team, although our subjects don't always comply. 
 It's all gone.  No seriously, you ate it all dude.
 Harper ran up to this stick thing and said "Ohh!  A microphone".  And proceeded to sing 'Let it Go'
 Not to be outdone, Trevin busted out some 'Friller' 
 Then he did the whole 'Thriller' dance
Melt downs started to happen, so we all left.  I went back to my hotel while she took the girls home to nap.  When everyone was well rested, we headed to their house for some good home cookin'.  Cody had prepared a nice pot roast and all the kids devoured it.
 We had brought over some obnoxious Skechers shoes.  Full of sparkles and lights...the girls were in hog heaven.
 And I finally was able to give Cody her birthday present.  Only two months late.  I gave her a DVD of our FAVORITE cartoon growing up.  Katie & Elyse??  Or should I say Switchboard & Blaze?  Bring back memories?   
Cody has the greatest back yard and the greatest swing that all four kids piled on.  I learned how to do the 'click click click' move.  But Cody was way better at it..
 Think fast!  That swing is a moving target!
The cousins all played so well together.  It was really so awesome to see.  Makes me wish we lived closer so they could hang out more....sad face.
First day was a success!!!