Sunday, February 15, 2015

MacMasters take Miami: Part 4

John was able to join us for our last full day in Miami.  We headed to the alligator farms, because you can't go to Florida without seeing some gators!  
There were a gazillon alligators just straight chillin' behind this fence.  I swore they were just concrete statues because they didn't move at all.  I learned that they are very lazy animals and won't exert any energy unless absolutely beneficial to them.  Trevin wasn't a good enough reason for them to move.
We watched a cool alligator show...and by watched, I mean we saw the first 30 seconds and then the kids were over it.  I was a little upset because I was super into it.  At least I got to hear that this guys missing hand was from a birth defect.  Wish he would've stuck with the 'got in a fight with an alligator and lost my hand' story.  That's way cooler.  
When my mom and dad had visited Cody, she took them on the bayou boat ride thingy.  She said my dad loved it and insisted we sit up front for a better view.  Cody knows best...
The tour guide warned that we would get wet and Cody reassured us that our feet might get a little soggy but the rest of us should stay fairly dry.  We were all stoked and ready to go!  We put our ear protection on and hoped for the best!
My two dads...
 It started off as a nice calm stroll through the bayou.  Twas' quite relaxing....
Then he put the pedal to the medal and we all held on for dear life!
Do we all remember the story about Harper accidentally spilling her water on Trevin's Michael Jackson pants?  Ummm yeah....this was probably the worst day of Trevin's life.  The guy made a few sharp turns and I am not kidding when I say that a tidal wave poured over us.  We would have been better off jumping in the river.  But Trevin loved it.....
Or not...he was miserable the whole time.  But I was having a blast despite my soak city clothes.  The ear protectors came in handy because I really couldn't even hear Trev crying.  The other kids were content as could be.
So, I didn't plan on taking a bath at the alligator farm, so I didn't bring extra clothes for any of us.  Thank goodness that Cody busted out some of V&H's tights for Trevin and I had a sweater of his that was still dry.  Probably one of his best looks to date.
Harper...still all smiles
Ryden stayed fairly dry so he got to wear a normal outfit.  I stayed in my sopping wet clothes and hoped for a quick dry in the warm sun.
Ry and Vera enjoyed a ride
We fed the turtles and then it was time to head out.
 We were going to head to lunch but the place we chose was closed.  So we stopped by 'Robert is Here'.  A quaint little fruit stand...and grabbed a fruit milkshake.  I ordered a key lime one and my mouth is still watering just thinking about it.  It was that good!
 Trevin and Harper insisted on pushing me while I was sitting on the swing.
And of course, we can't leave any place without some sort of pamphlet or magazine Ryden had to grab.  I swear, I have about 90 of these in my car collecting dust!
My clothes were still wet and we had an hour drive back to the hotel but it was all worth it.  When we got back to the hotel, we showered and cleaned up for dinner.
  Jason took Ryden to the top of the hotel to check out the scenery.
Cody was going to meet us out for dinner but was too pooped from the day (don't blame her) so we headed out in style!
Jason took us to a Cuban restaurant to get that true Miami feel.  
He asked what I wanted to drink and I said what is the traditional Cuban drink.  Rum & coke.  Ugh...I dislike rum a lot but when in Rome...
 Hugs from the big boy
When we were first walking to the restaurant, we just had to pass by a candy store.  Trevin freaked and we told him we would go there after dinner.  He must've mentioned that dang candy story about 30 times during dinner.  So we went and let the kids pick out some treats
Of course that isn't what Ry got.  They each filled a little bag with what they wanted.  Ryden ate two pieces and saved the rest for later.  Trevin's bag was empty in a matter of minutes
There were the coolest couches that changed color in front of a store and the boys loved them!
 Walking around the outdoor mall with my boys.
Jumping off ledges.  Trevin had quite the audience of ladies...
Done with pictures!!