Sunday, June 28, 2015

DC...Part 2

It was such a short trip to DC.  I felt like we got there...and then we had to leave.  But at least we got to spend some quality time with this little nugget.  His faces were priceless.
 We decided to head to a park to get some energy out.  Max suggested we walk since it was right around the corner.  I guess his meaning of 'right around the corner' is different than mine.  Twenty minutes later, we arrived.
I love that Trev is so comfortable with anyone.  He will literally go up and talk to anyone and be there homie within a matter of minutes.  I guess that could be good or bad.  
 Park time!
 It's so nice to just sit back and watch the boys play...and stalk them by taking pictures from afar.
 Ryden is really into monkey bars right now because he can go all the way across on his own.
 So naturally, Trevin is into them too.
 It kills me to see pics of Ryden because he always looks so grown up...Mr. Big Shot First Grader
 The boys were playing on this fence and I looked away for a second.  When I looked back, Trevin had his shirt off.  "Like Dada"....hmmm
Notice his painted nails.  Max and Katie have a live in au pair and the boys went to her room to say hi.  They walk in a few minutes later with painted nails.  They were so excited about it so we just left it on.  The whole two days all Trev would say is "Where's the babysitter?  Can I go see the babysitter?"  He gets attached easily  
Ryden's nails are painted also...hmmm
 So that was all the pictures I got on our last day in DC.  We had such a great time on the East Coast but I was ready to come home and get back into our routine.  Plus, Ryden had to get back and graduate kindergarten!