Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tahoe...Part 1

Off to Tahoe we went.  Our good friends have a cabin up there and are members of a private beach/lake so we were all set.  We were about 20 minutes away from the cabin when we got a flat tire.  I didn't get any pictures but was just grateful it didn't happen while we were weaving through the mountain roads.  Triple A came and we were on our way.  It was late so we all went to bed.  The next morning, we headed to the lake.  Scott and Leslie had to work so they would be meeting us later.
 When we had gone to the grocery store earlier to get some food, Jason was sucked in by this tube.  Already blown up for the low price of $15...SOLD!
The boys loved floating out in it...and Trevin loved annoying Dada
Trevin also thought it was a great place to eat his lunch since the sand was uber hot!
Surfing USA
Trevin kept saying "Mama, Mama!!  I go under water..."  I watch as he barely puts his forehead in but comes up with a huge smile..
 I love everything about lakes.  I know I live right by the beach, but I could spend every day just chillin' on a lake.  There is something about being able to see the bottom and no waves...just sayin'