Monday, August 31, 2015


Teresa had wanted to take Ryden to Legoland as a special birthday treat.  We finally got around to it in July.  We hit the water park first.  Trevin had a blast!  He could've stayed in that water all day long going down the small water slides over and over.  Ryden was happy just chillin' on the side with grandma.
After we were water logged, we dried off and headed to the Legoland part.  Ry was so excited that he finally got to ride the cars for the 6+ year olds since he was 6 now!  I got a quick flash forward of him in 10 years driving for real and a tear came to my eye...
Trevin got to drive as well...but only on the road for 3-5 year olds.
 Move out tha way!
 Since it was summer time, the place was packed!!  When I had a Legoland pass back in the day, we got spoiled.  We would go when no one else was there and walk on all of the rides.  So waiting 20+ minutes for this fairy tale boat ride was not my cup of tea.
But the boys were having a blast and didn't seem to mind the heat or the lines.  Maybe it's because Grandma was with us.  Everything is better with Grandma.
We all started winding down, so we hit miniland and checked out the Star Wars exhibit. 
 One last time on one of Ryden's favorite rides...the huge slide.  Then it was time to peace out.  What a fun day we had...