Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tucson...Part 4

One morning, the boys and I decided to take a walk to look for some rocks and treasures.
 Ry was ready with his bucket to go do some collecting..
 The boys are not as into cacti anymore.  In the past, Ryden had names for each one and would make me take a picture by every single one of them.  This time, we were more interested in dog poop on the ground and rocks.  
 Ryden humored me and let me take his pic by the purple cactus.  As you can see, it was quite sunny.
 It was another scorcher so we literally made it a few steps before I was hearing complaints of "I'm melting!" and "It's too hot!" so we turned around and headed home.  Do these kids realize I used to drive a 1965 bug in that heat with no air conditioning and pleater seats!!??  Suck it up!
 We hit the pool back home but this time it was just to wash off our rocks we had collected.
 The cousins came over that night for some steaks and baked potatoes.  Yum city!  And of course, we had to jump in the pool and make fart noises with our armpits.
 Look at all those cute cousins...and Jacob once again making fart noises...:):)
 The next morning, it was time to pack up and head back to California.  While I was packing up, Trevin was sitting at the counter eating some cashews.  I walked by and he said "Mama, I'm eating Papa's nuts.  I yike them".  
 A few more tickles for the road from Papa...
 And we're off!  We had so much fun even if it felt like we were visiting the sun.  Ry and Trev keep asking when we are going back to Arizona.