Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Catalina Island Family Fun Time

Some times, we will have a weekend with nothing major to do.  And some times, that just doesn't sit well with one non-activity filled weekend...we planned a Catalina Island adventure.  I am not a huge fan for one reason only...the boat ride out there.  I tend to get a little seasick and I guess I passed that on to Trevin.  I managed to not hurl, but he was not so lucky.  But he felt much better once we docked and rented our own little speed boat.
 Jason revved up the engine and we were off!  The boys were lovin' it!  
Everybody got a chance to drive the boat
I think Trevin was just happy to not be sea sick anymore
We pulled the boat over to this small beach area and went in groups of two and swam to the 'island'.
 A few seconds later....Jason jumped off of this rock, of course.
Trevin and I went next.  I even snorkeled also.  Saw some pretty cool fish even though they swam right next to me and freaked me out.  Reminded me of a Curious George episode when one of the guys didn't want to go on a scuba diving adventure and when asked he said "I don't like when fish look at me".  I feel ya buddy.
 After our boat/swimming/fish looking was time for some grub....or beer?
 And after lunch and a huge beer it seemed like a good idea to go rent a golf cart.
 We cruised all over that little town and I think it was the boy's favorite part.  There is just something about not having to ride in a car seat that is amazing to them.
When we returned the golf cart I made Trevin stand by the bison statue and told the boys a Mama story.  Back in the day when I was student of the month we went on a trip to Catalina (when I lived in AZ).  While on this trip, I was so pleasantly chased by one of those bison.  The boys didn't believe me but ask my friend Cathy..she'll vouch for me!
We headed to the beach to do a little more swimming before we had to head to head home.  At first, no one wanted to go in the water.  I was fully dressed so I was out...the boys were enjoying the view.
 Finally, Jason talked Trevin into taking a swim with him
 ...while Ry and I took some selfies with our cool sunglasses...
Trev swam all the way to the dock and then jumped off.  He even put his face under the water again to look at the fishes.
We headed to the other side that had more of a 'beach' area and Ryden was happy to go in the water over there.
 There was a pretty sweet ledge that the boys enjoyed jumping off of....
 And they both spent a lot of time collecting rocks...they were pretty proud of their collection
 Time to go wait for the boat to bring us home and pray no one got sick again..
We sat on the deck outside this time and with the wind on our faces, it helped.  No one got sick and we were all happy and had such a great day!