Wednesday, October 28, 2015

New York!!!...Part 1

My cousin Katie is having twins, so all the ladies in the family flew out to NYC to hang and throw her a baby shower.  Half the family were there for a week but I was only able to fly up late on Thursday and leave on Sunday...but MAN!  What a trip!  So much fun!!  We packed so many activities in the short time I was there.  Unfortunately, I didn't take many I borrowed most of these from my mom's iphone.
  I got in super late on Thursday night but was up and at 'em early on Friday.  We all got ready to hit Central Park.  While the others were finishing getting ready, we explored Katie's rooftop.  The views were amazing.
 Baby Bennett just wanted to climb up and down these stairs...which I was happy to do for the first time.  Then I became a nervous Nelly...didn't want to break someone else's kid on the first day
 Onward to Central Park!  Hitchin' a ride on the subway with 8 adults, one baby, one stroller, and one wheelchair was quite the production...but so worth it!
It happened to be John Lennon's birthday, so there was a huge crowd gather in Strawberry Fields in Central Park.  
We sat for awhile and joined in with the crowd and sang "Imagine".  Sara utilized her selfie stick quite nicely.
Bennett could care less.  He just wanted to not be strapped to the Mama!
The song ended and immediately, the crowd broke into "Imagine"....again.  We were thinking they would switch it up a bit and give us a mock Beatles concert but no go.  So, the natives got restless and started walking.  Of course, Ma wandered off trying to scope out any celebrities in the she missed the most epic selfie. And yes, my hand does look like a duck is behind me.  Thanks for pointing that out Aunt Chris.  I laugh every time I see this pic now.
We decided it was time for a cousin picture...with a cute Bennett photo bomb
Can we all just take a minute to appreciate this cute belly on Katie!?
Storm clouds started rolling in and everyone panicked because we didn't have umbrellas or jackets or anything.  Complete chaos when the "rain" came.  It ended up sprinkling for a few seconds and that was it.  New York pulled a California.. 
Cody was the best at getting group shots of all of us.  So I jacked this awesome picture by the fountain from her.   Notice how sunny and perfect the weather is...  
But let's be real...Sara's selfie stick was the MVP of the trip.
Bennett was quite social and picked up a new friend.  They had a few baby conversations for awhile.  We all just sat back and enjoyed the show.
Time for another quick break and a snack.  Hot NUTS anyone??
We had a dinner reservation at 3pm...yes we headed back to the subway to go to the restaurant eat some massive amounts of Italian food.
Nothing screams tourists like taking pics on the subway..
 This little man is such a trooper.  Just goes with the flow...I gave him my cup and straw and he was happy for the longest time!
Cody comin' through again and asking some important looking business guy to take our pic.  He was so nice about it and even leaned far back to get us all in.  Please don't fall on the subway tracks sir!
Only one picture taken at our awesome dinner and it was me holding a martini..of course.  Party on dudes.
Sara wanted to check out the Toys R Us in Times Square to see what all the hype was about so we headed there.  We shopped til we dropped and by the time we were done, it was pouring rain outside!  I tried to take a few selfies but they turned out pretty lame.  I was just excited to see rain!
 Cody was pushing Grandma through the crazy busy streets while braving the rain.  She said some vendor must've felt sorry for her and GG and handed her an umbrella for free.  New Yorkers are bomb.
Day one was a success!!